Porcelain Veneers
Veneers have the ability to revitalize and transform a tooth or smile. Porcelain veneers can be used for:
Chips or cracks
Spaces or gaps
Crooked or misaligned teeth
Discoloration or staining
Misshaped or deformed teeth
Our dentists at Marion Dental Group, work with trusted laboratories to cover these flaws with a strong and beautiful shell of porcelain. Porcelain has the benefit of being both extremely durable and esthetically pleasing to the eye.
Unique characterizations can be replicated using staining techniques and different thicknesses to create translucency of the restoration. Porcelain veneers may be a solution for otherwise sturdy teeth that lack the appearance you desire. Our doctors will take the time to explain the results you can hope to achieve with this excellent treatment option.